Crying Babes


Last Sunday in Mass there was a young mom with her littles sitting behind us. Toddler Little was all over the place and loud about it. My inflexible old grouchy self wanted to be stern and uninviting. I had my own struggles. The pews are hard and hurt my back. The kneeling is slow with my bad knee from two falls last October. My hearing isn’t what it used to be from listening to all those bad hair bands in the seventies. It’s hard to focus in Mass cause it’s stressful, cold, depressing winter and my life is filled with those in need of prayer and so little time to pray. Plus, we arrived late and someone had the audacity to sit in our pew resulting in us sitting in a totally different area of the sanctuary because it was so crowded. So I wasn’t in the mood to be patient with littles. But then I remembered all those moments of the elderly’s impatience with my littles. How alone and judged I felt. How hard it was to go back week after week. My heart softened and I turned around at the sign of peace and shook momma’s hand and those of her three beautiful babes and welcomed them. Coincidentally, littles were very quiet and focused the rest of Mass. I imagine it is so pleasing to Him who is working a good work in each of us, the crying babe and the grouchy biddy, when we welcome each other, help each other, are kind to one another as we gather to give Him the Glory and Praise. Peace to each of you in the middle of this cold winter.

About The Woman Went Her Way Ministries

First and foremost, I am a child of the Most High God. Then I am a wife of 39 years and mother to five beautiful children and foster mom to over thirty children through the years. I have a life filled with struggles and traumas and joys and love. The one thing that I know to be true is that He who began a good work in me has carried me through all of it and will continue to do so until I am complete in Him. I am enkindled with a love and longing for my Creator and I hope that my ministry awakens this desire in you as well. Give me a Bible and a message in my heart, and you will find me sharing it with whomever will listen. Please join me on this journey....

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